Monday, February 20, 2023

SharePoint 2010 form validations, auto complete

<script src="/SiteAssets/SupportFiles/jquery-1.4.1.min.js"></script> 

<script src="/SiteAssets/SupportFiles/jquery.SPServices-2014.02.min.js"></script>



<script type="text/javascript">


    (function ($) {

        // we can now rely on $ within the safety of our "bodyguard" function  - SP 2010


        var SlLin_Tit_ddl = "Service Line Required Field"var SLine_mp = "Service_x0020_Line"//1

        var PName_Tit = "Person Name"var PName_mp = "Title"// Name1 DisplayFld //2

        var OUC_Tit = "OUC"var OUC_mp = "OUC";//3

        var IBW_Tit_ddl = "Individual Base of Work Required Field"var IBW_mp = "Country";//4

        var RolCD_Tit_ddl = "Role Code Required Field"var RolCD_mp = "Job_x0020_Code";//5

        var RoleDetl_Tit = "Role Detail"var RolDetl_mp = "Business_x0020_Title";//6

        var SLine_Tit_ddl = "Service Line Required Field"var Sline_mp = "Service_x0020_Line";//7

        var Factory_tit_ddl = "Factory"var Factory_mp = "Factory"//8 

        var ProjctType_Tit_ddl = "Project Type Required Field";

        var SaleFID_Tit = "Salesforce ID";


        var PorjectJAcode_exernalName = "Column12";

        var ProjectJACd_Tit = "Project (JA) Code";

        var listName = "Test_WeeklyPeopleData";



        $(document).ready(function () {

            $('.ms-long').keyup(function () {

                try {


                    var input = $(this);

                    if (input.val().length >= 9 && input.context.title == "UIN") {

                        getSetListItemCTX(listName, input.val())




                    if (input.context.title == ProjectJACd_Tit && input.val().length > 1 && input.val().toLowerCase().indexOf('ja') < 0 ) {

                        alert(ProjectJACd_Tit + ": Should starts with 'JA' ");

                        $("input[title='" + ProjectJACd_Tit + "']").val("");




                    var PJType = $("select[title='" + ProjctType_Tit_ddl + "'] option:selected").text();

                    if ((PJType == "Prospective" || PJType == "Speculative") && input.val().length >= 4 && input.context.title == SaleFID_Tit) {

                        if (input.val().indexOf('OID-') < 0) {

                            $("input[title='" + SaleFID_Tit + "']").val("OID-xxxxxx")

                            alert('Since selected project type is :" ' + PJType + '". ' + SaleFID_Tit + ' sould start with: OID-');




                catch (ex) {

                    // alert();



            $("select[title='" + ProjctType_Tit_ddl + "']").change(function (event) {

                var PJType = $("select[title='" + ProjctType_Tit_ddl + "'] option:selected").text();


                var SfiDLenth = $("input[title='" + SaleFID_Tit + "']").val().length;

                var SfIDContains = $("input[title='" + SaleFID_Tit + "']").val().indexOf('OID-');



                if ((PJType == "Prospective" || PJType == "Speculative") && (SfiDLenth > 0 && SfIDContains < 0)) {

                    $("input[title='" + SaleFID_Tit + "']").val("OID-xxxxxx")

                    alert('Since selected project type is :" ' + PJType + '". ' + SaleFID_Tit + ' sould start with: OID-');




            // -- Auto Complete

            try {


                    sourceList: "GS JA code Run Project Validation"// Source List Name

                    sourceColumn: "Title"// Source List Column from where you want to fetch it.           

                    columnName: "Project (JA) Code"// Destination List Column where you want to add it (Title value - F12).           

                    ignoreCase: true,

                    numChars: 2,

                    slideDownSpeed: 'fast'



            catch (ex) {

                alert('Error 1 -' + ex.message);




        var clientContext;

        var oList;



        function Post_COM_Load(textVal) {

            try {

                var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();

                var oList = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(listName);

                var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();

                camlQuery.set_viewXml('<view><Query><Where><Contains><FieldRef Name="Title" /><Value Type="Text">' + textVal + '</Value></Contains></Where></Query><RowLimit>10</RowLimit></view>');

                collListItem = oList.getItems(camlQuery);



                clientContext.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, onQuerySucceeded),

                Function.createDelegate(this, onQueryFailed))


            catch (ex) { alert(ex.message) }



        function onQuerySucceeded(sender, args) {


            var listItemInfo = '';

            var listItemEnumerator;


            var listItemEnumerator = collListItem.getEnumerator();

            while (listItemEnumerator.moveNext()) {

                oListItem = listItemEnumerator.get_current();

                listItemInfo += ',' + oListItem.get_item('Title')


            try {


                //$(".mssbplain1").autocomplete({ source: listItemInfo.split(",") })

                $("input[title='" + ProjectJACd_Tit + "']").autocomplete({

                    source: listItemInfo.split(",")



            catch (ex) {




        function onQueryFailed(sender, args) {

            alert('Request failed. ' + args.get_message() + '\n' + args.get_stackTrace())




        function getSetListItemCTX(listName, UIN) {

            try {

                var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();

                var oList = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(listName);

                var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();


                camlQuery.set_viewXml('<view><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name="UIN" /><Value Type="Number">' + UIN + '</Value></Eq></Where></Query><RowLimit>10</RowLimit></view>');

                collListItem = oList.getItems(camlQuery);


                clientContext.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, OnLoadSuccess),

                Function.createDelegate(this, OnLoadFailed));


            catch (ex) {





        function OnLoadSuccess(sender, args) {

            var listItemEnumerator = collListItem.getEnumerator();

            while (listItemEnumerator.moveNext()) {

                var oListItem = listItemEnumerator.get_current();

                $('select[title="' + SlLin_Tit_ddl + '"] option:contains("' + oListItem.get_item(SLine_mp) + '")').attr({ selected: true });//1

                $("input[title='" + PName_Tit + "']").val(oListItem.get_item(PName_mp));//2

                $("input[title='" + OUC_Tit + "']").val(oListItem.get_item(OUC_mp));//3

                $('select[title="' + IBW_Tit_ddl + '"] option:contains("' + oListItem.get_item(IBW_mp) + '")').attr({ selected: true });//4

                $('select[title="' + RolCD_Tit_ddl + '"] option:contains("' + oListItem.get_item(RolCD_mp) + '")').attr({ selected: true });//5

                $("input[title='" + RoleDetl_Tit + "']").val(oListItem.get_item(RolDetl_mp));//6

                $('select[title="' + SLine_Tit_ddl + '"] option:contains("' + oListItem.get_item(Sline_mp) + '")').attr({ selected: true });//7

                $('select[title="' + Factory_tit_ddl + '"] option:contains("' + oListItem.get_item(Factory_mp) + '")').attr({ selected: true });//8                   





        function OnLoadFailed(sender, args) {

            // alert('Request failed. ' + args.get_message() + '\n' + args.get_stackTrace());



        function ClearAutoFilled() {

            try {

                $("input[title='" + PName_Tit + "']").val("");//2

                $("input[title='" + OUC_Tit + "']").val("");//3          

                $("input[title='" + RoleDetl_Tit + "']").val("");//6

                $('select[title="' + SlLin_Tit_ddl + '"]').find('option:first').attr('selected''selected');//1

                $('select[title="' + IBW_Tit_ddl + '"]').find('option:first').attr('selected''selected');//4

                $('select[title="' + RolCD_Tit_ddl + '"]').find('option:first').attr('selected''selected');//5

                $('select[title="' + SLine_Tit_ddl + '"]').find('option:first').attr('selected''selected');//7

                $('select[title="' + Factory_tit_ddl + '"]').find('option:first').attr('selected''selected');//8           


            catch (ex) {

                //  alert(ex.message);





    //<input id="mssbplain1" class="mssbplain1" />




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<script src="/SiteAssets/SupportFiles/jquery.SPServices-2014.02.min.js"></script>



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        displaynone !important;



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        widthauto !important;



    .ui-widget-header.ui-state-defaultui-button {


        border1px solid #b9cd6d;




    .dropdownPadding {





<script  type="text/ecmascript"> 

    var coll = new Array();

// Onload 

    $(document).ready(function () {

        var listName = "SLs and Factories";     


        source: function (req, add) { 

           // var suggestions = search(req.term, listName);

            var coll = new Array();

            var seltdVal = req.term;

            try {


                var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();

                var oList = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(listName);

                var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();

                camlQuery.set_viewXml('<view><Query><Where><Contains><FieldRef Name="Factory" /><Value Type="Text">' + seltdVal + '</Value></Contains></Where></Query><RowLimit>10</RowLimit></view>');

                collListItem = oList.getItems(camlQuery);



                    function () {


                        var listItemEnumerator = collListItem.getEnumerator();

                        while (listItemEnumerator.moveNext()) {


                            var oListItem = listItemEnumerator.get_current();

                            var ttl = oListItem.get_item('Factory')

                            coll.push({ label: ttl, value: ttl })



                    }, function () { alert('failed to load ' + listName); });


            catch (ex) { alert(ex.message); }







    function search(Seltdvalue, listName) {      

        var coll = new Array();

        try {


            var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();

            var oList = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(listName);

            var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();

            camlQuery.set_viewXml('<view><Query><Where><Contains><FieldRef Name="Factory" /><Value Type="Text">' + Seltdvalue + '</Value></Contains></Where></Query><RowLimit>10</RowLimit></view>');

            collListItem = oList.getItems(camlQuery);




                function () {


                    var listItemEnumerator = collListItem.getEnumerator();

                    while (listItemEnumerator.moveNext()) {


                        var oListItem = listItemEnumerator.get_current();

                        var ttl = oListItem.get_item('Title')

                        coll.push({ label: ttl, value: ttl })


                    return coll;

                }, function () { alert('failed to load ' + listName); });


        catch (ex) { alert(ex.message);}


    return coll 









<%--<script  type="text/ecmascript"> 


// Settings 

    var url = "/_vti_bin/listdata.svc/Headcount1?$top=10";

var field = "UIN"; 


// Onload 

$(document).ready(function () { 


        source: function (req, add) { 

            var suggestions = search(req.term, url, field); 







function search(value, listurl, field) { 

    var coll = new Array(); 

    var url = listurl;


        cache: true, 

        type: "GET", 

        async: false, 

        dataType: "json", 

        url: url, 

        success: function (data) { 

            var results = data.d; 

            for (att in results) { 

                var object = results[att]; 

                for (attt in object) { 

                    if (attt == field) {

                        coll.push({ label: object[attt], value: object[attt] })






    return coll 

</script>  --%>

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<script src="/SiteAssets/SupportFiles/jquery-1.4.1.min.js"></script>

<script src="/SiteAssets/SupportFiles/jquery.SPServices-2014.02.min.js"></script>



<script type="text/javascript">


    (function ($) {

        // we can now rely on $ within the safety of our "bodyguard" function  - SP 2010


        // Constatnt

        var d = new Date();

        var crrYear = d.getFullYear() - 2000; // two digits


        var strProspective = "Prospective"; var strSpeculative = "Speculative";

        var crrListCount = 1; var crrUIN = "";

        var uinRowFound = false; uinAlert = true;

        var uinNotFund = 0; var IBRowFound = false;


        // Fileds Name

        var SLine_Tit_ddl = "Service Line Required Field"; var SLine_mp = "DMS_x0020_Supply_x0020_Unit";//1    Service_x0020_Line

        var PName_Tit = "Person Name"; var PName_mp = "Full_x0020_Name"; // Name1 DisplayFld //2

        var OUC_Tit = "OUC"; var OUC_mp = "_x004f_UC3";//3

        var IBW_Tit_ddl = "Individual Base of Work Required Field"; var IBW_mp = "Work_x0020_Country";//4

        var RolCD_Tit_ddl = "Role Code Required Field"; var RolCD_mp = "Master_x0020_Role_x0020_Code";//5

        var RoleDetl_Tit = "Role Detail"; var RolDetl_mp = "Job_x0020_Role";//6

        var SlFact_List_ServiceLine_mp = "Service_x0020_Line";

        var Factory_tit_ddl = "Factory"; var Factory_mp = "DMS_x0020_Factory"//8 

        var ProjctType_Tit_ddl = "Project Type Required Field";

        var SaleFID_Tit = "Salesforce ID";

        var CostType_Tit = "Cost Type Required Field";


        // List Names

        var PorjectJAcode_exernalName = "Column12";

        var ProjectJACd_Tit = "Project (JA) Code";



        // Lists

        var listSLnFactory = "SLs and Factories";

        var totalHeadCountlits = 4;

        var listName = "Headcount1";

        listNameRateCard = "Rate Card";

        var totalRateCardCountlits = 2;



        $(document).ready(function () {













        function HideFileds_unwatedFields() {

            try {

                $('.ms-input').each(function (index) {

                    var input = $(this);

                    // All Q ACT - hide - unwanted

                    if (input.context.title.indexOf('-') >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('Q') >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('Act') >= 0) {

                        $('nobr:contains("' + input.context.title + '")').closest('tr').hide();


                    // Note: Hide other than All Current year flds ---// Zero or greater contains value -- > Less than Zero no value

                    if (input.context.title.indexOf('P') >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('-') >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('CPS') < 0 &&

                        (input.context.title.indexOf(crrYear) < 0 || input.context.title.indexOf(crrYear + 1) < 0)) {

                        $('nobr:contains("' + input.context.title + '")').closest('tr').hide();






            catch (ex) { alert(ex.message); }


        function AutoFill_UIN() {

            $('.ms-long').keyup(function () {


                try {

                    if (input.context.title == "UIN")



                    var input = $(this);

                    if (input.val().length >= 9 && input.context.title == "UIN") {

                        crrUIN = input.val(); crrListCount = 1; listName = "Headcount1"; uinRowFound = false; uinNotFund = 0; uinAlert = true;

                        UIN_Keyup_Autofill(listName, input.val());



                    if (input.context.title == ProjectJACd_Tit && input.val().length > 1 && input.val().toLowerCase().indexOf('ja') < 0) {

                        alert(ProjectJACd_Tit + ": Should starts with 'JA' ");

                        $("input[title='" + ProjectJACd_Tit + "']").val("");



                    var PJType = $("select[title='" + ProjctType_Tit_ddl + "'] option:selected").text();

                    if ((PJType == strProspective || PJType == strSpeculative) && input.val().length >= 3 && input.context.title == SaleFID_Tit) {

                        if (input.val().indexOf('OI-') < 0) {

                            $("input[title='" + SaleFID_Tit + "']").val("OI-xxxxxx")

                            alert('Since selected project type is :" ' + PJType + '". ' + SaleFID_Tit + ' sould start with: OI-');




                catch (ex) { alert(ex.message); }




        function IndividualBaseWorkCountry_onChange() { //-----------------'Rate Card'  List not available

            //$("select[title='" + IBW_Tit_ddl + "']").change(function (event) {

            //    listNameRateCard  = "Rate Card"; crrListCount = 1; IBRowFound = false;

            //    var IBCountry = $("select[title='" + IBW_Tit_ddl + "'] option:selected").text();

            //    IndividualBaseWork_onChangeFillOUC(listName, IBCountry);



        function IndividualBaseWork_onChangeFillOUC(listName, IBCountry) {

            var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();

            var oList = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(listName);

            var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();

            camlQuery.set_viewXml('<view><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name="' + IBW_mp + '" /><Value Type="Text">' + IBCountry + '</Value></Eq></Where></Query><RowLimit>10</RowLimit></view>');

            collListItem = oList.getItems(camlQuery);



       function () {

           // ---

           try {

               var listItemEnumerator = collListItem.getEnumerator();

               while (listItemEnumerator.moveNext()) {

                   var oListItem = listItemEnumerator.get_current();



               if (!IBRowFound) {

                   for (var i = 1; i < totalHeadCountlits; i++) {

                       i = crrListCount;

                       if (listName.indexOf(i) >= 0 && !IBRowFound && i + 1 <= totalHeadCountlits) {


                           listName = listName.replace(i, i + 1);

                           IndividualBaseWork_onChangeFillOUC(listName, IBCountry)

                           if (IBRowFound)






           catch (ex) { alert(ex.message); }



       function () { alert("no") });



        function ProjectType_onChange() {


            $("select[title='" + ProjctType_Tit_ddl + "']").change(function (event) {

                var PJType = $("select[title='" + ProjctType_Tit_ddl + "'] option:selected").text();


                if (PJType == strProspective || PJType == strSpeculative) {


                    var SfiDLenth = $("input[title='" + SaleFID_Tit + "']").val().length;

                    var SfIDContains = $("input[title='" + SaleFID_Tit + "']").val().indexOf('OI-');

                    if ((SfiDLenth > 0 && SfIDContains < 0)) {

                        $("input[title='" + SaleFID_Tit + "']").val("OI-xxxxxx")

                        alert('Since selected project type is :" ' + PJType + '". ' + SaleFID_Tit + ' sould start with: OI-');



                else {

                    // ProjectTypeNonPerNonSpecSelect(); -- In Progress




        function ProjectJACode_auto() {

            try {


                    sourceList: "GS JA code Run Project Validation", // Source List Name

                    sourceColumn: "Title", // Source List Column from where you want to fetch it.           

                    columnName: "Project (JA) Code", // Destination List Column where you wan to add it (Title - F12).           

                    ignoreCase: true,

                    numChars: 2,

                    slideDownSpeed: 'fast'



            catch (ex) { alert('Error 1 -' + ex.message); }


        function ServiceLine_onChange() {


            $("select[title='" + SLine_Tit_ddl + "']").change(function (event) {

                try {

                    var sLine = $("select[title='" + SLine_Tit_ddl + "'] option:selected").text();

                    SetFacroryDDdata(listSLnFactory, sLine);


                catch (ex) {

                    alert('Error SL -' + ex.message);




        function CostType_onChange() {

            $("select[title='" + CostType_Tit + "']").change(function (event) {

                // EnableDisableForecasts();





        function SetForcasts_onCostType() {

            var vType = $("select[title='" + CostType_Tit + "'] option:selected").text();

            // Show Specific

            if (vType.indexOf("IWA") >= 0) {

                $('.ms-input').each(function (index) {

                    var input = $(this);

                    // Hide Euoro  (None FTE)


                    if (input.context.title.indexOf('-') >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('FTE') < 0 &&

                        input.context.title.indexOf(crrYear) >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('CPS') < 0) {

                        $('nobr:contains("' + input.context.title + '")').closest('tr').hide();


                    // Show FTES

                    if (input.context.title.indexOf('-') >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('FTE') >= 0 &&

                       input.context.title.indexOf(crrYear) >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('CPS') < 0) {

                        $('nobr:contains("' + input.context.title + '")').closest('tr').show();




            else if (vType.indexOf("cost") >= 0) {

                $('.ms-input').each(function (index) {

                    var input = $(this);

                    // Hide FTEs


                    if (input.context.title.indexOf('-') >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('FTE') >= 0 &&

                        input.context.title.indexOf(crrYear) >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('CPS') < 0) { //

                        $('nobr:contains("' + input.context.title + '")').closest('tr').hide();


                    // Show Euros

                    if (input.context.title.indexOf('-') >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('FTE') < 0 &&

                      input.context.title.indexOf(crrYear) >= 0) {

                        $('nobr:contains("' + input.context.title + '")').closest('tr').show();






        function Factory_onChange() {

            $("select[title='" + Factory_tit_ddl + "']").change(function (event) {

                var factVal = $("select[title='" + Factory_tit_ddl + "'] option:selected").text();

                Factory_OnChange(listSLnFactory, factVal);




        function ProjectTypeNonPerNonSpecSelect() {


            try {

                $('.ms-input').each(function (index) {

                    var input = $(this);

                    if (ConstType.indexOf("IWA") >= 0) {


                        if (input.context.title.indexOf(crrYear + 1) >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('P') >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('FTE') >= 0) {

                            $('nobr:contains("' + input.context.title + '")').closest('tr').show();



                    else { // WP Fileds Cost type Default

                        if (input.context.title.indexOf(crrYear + 1) >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('P') >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('FTE') <= 0) {

                            $('nobr:contains("' + input.context.title + '")').closest('tr').show();






            catch (ex) { alert(ex.message); }



        function setConstTypeIWA() {

            try {

                $('.ms-input').each(function (index) {

                    var input = $(this);

                    if (input.context.title.indexOf('21-22') >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('FTE') >= 0) {

                        $('nobr:contains("' + input.context.title + '")').closest('tr').hide(); //show -290321



                    // Hide Other

                    if (input.context.title.indexOf('19-20') >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('FTE') >= 0) { // FTE                     

                        $('nobr:contains("' + input.context.title + '")').closest('tr').hide();


                    if (input.context.title.indexOf('20-21') >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('FTE') >= 0) {

                        $('nobr:contains("' + input.context.title + '")').closest('tr').hide();



                    if (input.context.title.indexOf('19-20') >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('P') >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('FTE') != 0) {

                        $('nobr:contains("' + input.context.title + '")').closest('tr').hide();


                    if (input.context.title.indexOf('20-21') >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('P') >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('FTE') != 0) {

                        $('nobr:contains("' + input.context.title + '")').closest('tr').hide();


                    if (input.context.title.indexOf('21-22') >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('P') >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('FTE') != 0) {

                        $('nobr:contains("' + input.context.title + '")').closest('tr').hide();




            catch (ex) {





        function setCostTypeWP() {

            try {

                $('.ms-input').each(function (index) {

                    var input = $(this);

                    if (input.context.title.indexOf('21-22') >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('P') >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('FTE') < 0) {

                        $('nobr:contains("' + input.context.title + '")').closest('tr').hide(); //show -290321



                    //Hide Others not needed

                    if (input.context.title.indexOf('19-20') >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('FTE') >= 0) { // FTE                     

                        $('nobr:contains("' + input.context.title + '")').closest('tr').hide();


                    if (input.context.title.indexOf('20-21') >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('FTE') >= 0) {

                        $('nobr:contains("' + input.context.title + '")').closest('tr').hide();


                    if (input.context.title.indexOf('21-22') >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('FTE') >= 0) {

                        $('nobr:contains("' + input.context.title + '")').closest('tr').hide();




                    if (input.context.title.indexOf('19-20') >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('P') >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('FTE') >= 0) {

                        $('nobr:contains("' + input.context.title + '")').closest('tr').hide();


                    if (input.context.title.indexOf('20-21') >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('P') >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('FTE') >= 0) {

                        $('nobr:contains("' + input.context.title + '")').closest('tr').hide();






            catch (ex) {





        function EnableDisableForecasts() {

            var crrMonth = 0;

            try {

                var ConstType = $("select[title='" + CostType_Tit + "'] option:selected").text();

                var PJType = $("select[title='" + ProjctType_Tit_ddl + "'] option:selected").text();


                if (PJType == strProspective || PJType == strSpeculative) {

                    var crrMonth;   // var crrMonth = d.getMonth() + 1 + 2; --> 2 is case for current plus 1 month

                    var forcastVal = getForecast_Pval(d.getMonth() + 1);

                    if (forcastVal === 11) {

                        crrMonth = 1;  // 2 is case for current plus 1 month



                    else if (forcastVal === 12) {

                        crrMonth = 2;  // 2 is case for current plus 1 month



                    else {

                        crrMonth = forcastVal + 2;  // 2 is case for current plus 1 month


                    var crrYrrange = crrYear - 1 + '-' + crrYear;

                    var reqPforcast = "P" + crrMonth;


                    $('.ms-input').each(function (index) {

                        var input = $(this);

                        // Hide All Previous past 2 months                                 

                        if (input.context.title.indexOf('-') >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('P') >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('FTE') != 0) {

                            $('nobr:contains("' + input.context.title + '")').closest('tr').hide();


                        if (input.context.title.indexOf("-") >= 0 && (input.context.title.indexOf("P1") >= 0 || input.context.title.indexOf('P2') >= 0 ||

                            input.context.title.indexOf('P2') >= 0 || input.context.title.indexOf('P3') >= 0 || input.context.title.indexOf('P4') >= 0 ||

                            input.context.title.indexOf('P5') >= 0 || input.context.title.indexOf('P6') >= 0 || input.context.title.indexOf('P7') >= 0 ||

                            input.context.title.indexOf('P8') >= 0 || input.context.title.indexOf('P9') >= 0 || input.context.title.indexOf('P10') >= 0 ||

                            input.context.title.indexOf('P11') >= 0 || input.context.title.indexOf('P12') >= 0)) {

                            $('nobr:contains("' + input.context.title + '")').closest('tr').hide();



                        // Show Specific

                        if (ConstType.indexOf("IWA") >= 0) {

                            if (input.context.title.indexOf(crrYrrange) >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf(reqPforcast) >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('FTE') >= 0) {

                                $('nobr:contains("' + input.context.title + '")').closest('tr').show(); //show                          



                        else if (ConstType.indexOf("cost") >= 0) {

                            if (input.context.title.indexOf(crrYrrange) >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf(reqPforcast) >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('FTE') < 0) {

                                $('nobr:contains("' + input.context.title + '")').closest('tr').show();








            catch (ex) {





        function EnableDisableForecasts_X() {


            var crrMonth = 0;

            try {

                var crrMonth;   // var crrMonth = d.getMonth() + 1 + 2;  // 2 is case for current plus 1 month

                var forcastVal = getForecast_Pval(d.getMonth() + 1);

                if (forcastVal === 11) {

                    crrMonth = 1;  // 2 is case for current plus 1 month



                else if (forcastVal === 12) {

                    crrMonth = 2;  // 2 is case for current plus 1 month



                else {

                    crrMonth = forcastVal + 2;  // 2 is case for current plus 1 month


                var crrYrrange = crrYear - 1 + '-' + crrYear;

                var reqPforcast = "P" + crrMonth;


                var ConstType = $("select[title='" + CostType_Tit + "'] option:selected").text();


                if (ConstType.indexOf("IWA") >= 0) {


                    $('.ms-input').each(function (index) {

                        var input = $(this);

                        if (input.context.title.indexOf(crrYrrange) >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf(reqPforcast) >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('FTE') >= 0) {

                            $('nobr:contains("' + input.context.title + '")').closest('tr').show(); //show                          





                else if (ConstType.indexOf("cost") >= 0) {


                    $('.ms-input').each(function (index) {

                        var input = $(this);


                        if (input.context.title.indexOf(crrYrrange) >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf(reqPforcast) >= 0 && input.context.title.indexOf('FTE') < 0) {

                            $('nobr:contains("' + input.context.title + '")').closest('tr').show();






            catch (ex) {





        function getForecast_Pval(month) {

            var Pval;

            switch (month) {

                case 4: Pval = 1; break;

                case 5: Pval = 2; break;

                case 6: Pval = 3; break;

                case 7: Pval = 4; break;

                case 8: Pval = 5; break;

                case 9: Pval = 6; break;

                case 10: Pval = 7; break;

                case 11: Pval = 8; break;

                case 12: Pval = 9; break;

                case 1: Pval = 10; break;

                case 2: Pval = 11; break;

                case 3: Pval = 12; break;

                default: Pval = 0;


            return Pval;





        function Factory_OnChange(listName, slSctd) {

            try {

                var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();

                var oList = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(listName);

                var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();

                camlQuery.set_viewXml('<view><Query><Where><Contains><FieldRef Name="Factory" /><Value Type="Text">' + slSctd + '</Value></Contains></Where></Query><RowLimit>10</RowLimit></view>');

                collListItem = oList.getItems(camlQuery);


                var isSetFrst = true;


                    function () {

                        var listItemEnumerator = collListItem.getEnumerator();

                        while (listItemEnumerator.moveNext()) {

                            var oListItem = listItemEnumerator.get_current();

                            $("input[title='" + OUC_Tit + "']").val(oListItem.get_item('Title'));



                    }, function () { alert('failed to load ' + listName); });


            catch (ex) {





        function SetFacroryDDdata(listName, slSctd) {

            try {

                var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();

                var oList = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(listName);

                var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();

                camlQuery.set_viewXml('<view><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name="' + SlFact_List_ServiceLine_mp + '" /><Value Type="Choice">' + slSctd + '</Value></Eq></Where></Query><RowLimit>10</RowLimit></view>');

                collListItem = oList.getItems(camlQuery);


                var isSetFrst = true;


                    function () {

                        $("select[title='" + Factory_tit_ddl + "']").empty();

                        var listItemEnumerator = collListItem.getEnumerator();

                        while (listItemEnumerator.moveNext()) {

                            var oListItem = listItemEnumerator.get_current();

                            if (isSetFrst) {

                                $("input[title='" + OUC_Tit + "']").val(oListItem.get_item('Title'))

                                isSetFrst = false;


                            var fval = oListItem.get_item("Factory");

                            $("select[title='" + Factory_tit_ddl + "']").append($("<option></option>").val(fval).html(fval));



                    }, function () { alert('failed to load ' + listName); });


            catch (ex) {








        function UIN_Keyup_Autofill(listName, UIN) {

            try {

                var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();

                var oList = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(listName);

                var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();


                camlQuery.set_viewXml('<view><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name="UIN" /><Value Type="Number">' + UIN + '</Value></Eq></Where></Query><RowLimit>10</RowLimit></view>');

                collListItem = oList.getItems(camlQuery);


                //clientContext.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, OnLoadSuccess),  //Function.createDelegate(this, OnLoadFailed));       


           function () {


               if (uinNotFund > 1 && uinAlert) {

                   uinAlert = false;

                   alert('UIN : ' + crrUIN + ' - Not found in master list(s)');



           function () {





            catch (ex) {





        function fillValues(collListItem) {

            var listItemEnumerator = collListItem.getEnumerator();

            while (listItemEnumerator.moveNext()) {

                uinRowFound = true;

                var oListItem = listItemEnumerator.get_current();

                $("input[title='" + PName_Tit + "']").val(oListItem.get_item(PName_mp));//2

                $("input[title='" + OUC_Tit + "']").val(oListItem.get_item(OUC_mp));//3

                $('select[title="' + IBW_Tit_ddl + '"] option:contains("' + oListItem.get_item(IBW_mp) + '")').attr({ selected: true });//4

                $('select[title="' + RolCD_Tit_ddl + '"] option:contains("' + oListItem.get_item(RolCD_mp) + '")').attr({ selected: true });//5

                $("input[title='" + RoleDetl_Tit + "']").val(oListItem.get_item(RolDetl_mp));//6

                $('select[title="' + SLine_Tit_ddl + '"] option:contains("' + oListItem.get_item(SLine_mp) + '")').attr({ selected: true });//7

                $('select[title="' + Factory_tit_ddl + '"] option:contains("' + oListItem.get_item(Factory_mp) + '")').attr({ selected: true });//8 



            if (!uinRowFound) {

                for (var i = 1; i < totalHeadCountlits; i++) {

                    i = crrListCount;

                    if (listName.indexOf(i) >= 0 && !uinRowFound && i + 1 <= totalHeadCountlits) {


                        listName = listName.replace(i, i + 1);

                        UIN_Keyup_Autofill(listName, crrUIN);

                        if (uinRowFound)





            if (!uinRowFound) {





        function ClearAutoFilled() {

            try {

                $("input[title='" + PName_Tit + "']").val("");//2

                $("input[title='" + OUC_Tit + "']").val("");//3          

                $("input[title='" + RoleDetl_Tit + "']").val("");//6

                $('select[title="' + SLine_Tit_ddl + '"]').find('option:first').attr('selected', 'selected');//1

                $('select[title="' + IBW_Tit_ddl + '"]').find('option:first').attr('selected', 'selected');//4

                $('select[title="' + RolCD_Tit_ddl + '"]').find('option:first').attr('selected', 'selected');//5


                $('select[title="' + Factory_tit_ddl + '"]').find('option:first').attr('selected', 'selected');//8           


            catch (ex) {

                //  alert(ex.message);









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